The ITxPT label is a formal recognition granted to products that have successfully passed the ITxPT compliance tests and meet all the required technical specifications. The evaluation process conducted by the ITxPT laboratory verifies the product’s compliance with the ITxPT specifications. The ITxPT label ensures the product’s compatibility and seamless integration within the ITxPT ecosystem.
Catalogue of delivered ITxPT labels
Any supplier can apply for the ITxPT label, which certifies that the vehicle, equipment, software or service complies with ITxPT specifications. The ITxPT label is granted after completion of the labeling process defined here. It is mandatory to complete all the steps of the labeling process.
All vehicles, modules and backoffices listed below have followed the full labeling procedure, passed the compliance tests and received the official ITxPT label report with detailed tests results. These reports can be shared by the companies on request. Additional information can be found in the ITxPT Documentation Center.
Modules can either +provide and/or >consume services. The “consumer” functionality tests started in 2021.
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