The awards aim to praise best youth-related projects/initiatives in the transport-related mobility sector worldwide, initiated and supported by UITP Members and other transport/youth-related stakeholders.
The Y4PT Youth Awards series is meant to provide deep inspiration for taking further actions in favour of sustainable mobility and young people; it is an effective way to share best practices and lessons learned, and to transfer meaningful knowledge and experience in a see-through way among the wide range of transport-related mobility stakeholders.
This time the 3rd Y4PT Youth Awards Milan 2015 is organized in conjunction with UITP and will honour youth-related public transport projects contributing to a healthier society, in line with the Y4PT World Healthy Mobility Campaign.
You are invited to submit your application for the 3rd Y4PT Youth Awards Milan 2015 by 12th of April 2015following this link.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact Allesandra Gorini: alessandra.gorini@uitp.org.