
There are multiple benefits connected to the ITxPT membership. ITxPT Members have access to additional documentation, events and working groups depending on the level chosen. They are part of a community at the forefront of public transport development. The organization is constantly finding new opportunities for exchange of experiences and ideas.

Three levels of membership make it easy to adjust the level of engagement in the work for more efficient, sustainable and attractive public transport.


The ITxPT Statutes comprehensively describe bodies and rules of the Association. Additional information about the Requirement and Technical Committees and Working Groups can be found in the About ITxPT page.

Strategic Member – This level is for those members who want to take an active part in the development and governance of ITxPT. Strategic Members are active contributors in the ITxPT Committees and Working Groups, and are eligible for the Executive Board. Furthermore, they have full access to the collaborative workspace, the Documentation Centre, events and can set up a Proof of Concept.

Principal Member – This level entitles members to actively contribute to the ITxPT Committees and Working Groups, and Proof of Concept. They have access to the collaborative workspace, most sections of the Documentation Centre, and all events.

Associated Member – This level allows members to gain insight into ITxPT progress and the community by accessing members documents of the Documentation Centre and participating in the organization events, such as the ITxPT Members Meetings.

Benefits Associated Principal Strategic

Documentation: Access to the ITxPT Documentation Centre

Events: Participate in the ITxPT community
(members meetings, exhibitions, tours, webinars, website, brochure, …)

Documentation: Access to additional content
(pre-studies, functional requirements, technical rules, specification drafts)

Technical support: Technical explanations, answers to technical questions

Committees and Working groups
- Participate in Committees and related Working Groups
- Draft specifications
- Access the ITxPT collaborative workspace and documents

Proof of concept

Compliance validation tests (Industry only)

Approve final specifications

Implementation workshops (PTA/O only)

Governance: Eligibility to the Executive Board

Membership fees


Observer member
2.000 Yearly
  • Documentation
  • Events


Collaborator member
20.000 Yearly
  • Documentation
  • Events
  • Committees and Working groups access
  • Proof of Concept access
  • Compliance validation tests (Industry)
             for 2 modules or 1 vehicle / year*

PT Operator

  • Up to 200 vehicles: 2.000€
  • from 201 to 500 vehicles: 5.000€
  • from 501 to 800 vehicles: 8.000€
  • over 800 vehicles: 10.000€

Small and Medium entreprise

*Yearly benefits cannot be carried over to the following year. Travel and logistic fees are excluded from the service. Unitary fees apply beyond credits: 5.000€ / module type, 20.000€ / vehicle type.


Executive member
30.000 Yearly
  • Documentation
  • Events
  • Committees and Working groups access
  • Proof of Concept
  • Compliance validation tests (Industry)
             for 4 modules or 2 vehicle / year*
  • Specifications approval
  • Implementation workshops (PTA/O only)
  • Governance

PT Authority

  • Up to 200 vehicles: 2.000€
  • from 201 to 500 vehicles: 5.000€
  • from 501 to 800 vehicles: 8.000€
  • over 800 vehicles: 10.000€

PT Operator

  • 15.000€
*Yearly benefits cannot be carried over to the following year. Travel and logistic fees are excluded from the service. Unitary fees apply beyond credits: 5.000€ / module type, 20.000€ / vehicle type.

Not a member yet?

If you would like to join the active ITxpt community and contribute to future ITxPT specifications, contact us for more information.