
The non-profit ITxPT association is mainly funded by membership fees. 

However, ITxPT and its team have also built a range of services to support the implementation of the ITxPT specifications and other Transmodel-based standards. Members of the ITxPT association get access to preferential rates. 


ITxPT provides various types of documentation to support the implementation of its specifications. 

Type Description Pricing

The comprehensive documentation of ITxPT specifications in English, including technical artefacts such as examples in XML and/or JSON, and related schemas. 


The list of all modules and vehicle types that successfully passed the ITxPT compliance tests in our lab.


ITxPT specifications working documents

Everything the ITxPT members and team produce to define the ITxPT specifications, its roadmap, etc.


Compliance validation

The ITxPT lab provides and performs compliance tests against the ITxPT specifications. The team can also support with NeTEx compliancy. 

Domain Description Pricing
ITxPT specifications 

Compliance tests for module types, back office 

5 000€

ITxPT specifications 

Compliance tests for vehicle types 

20 000€


Advice, guidance and conformity checks for datasets

Contact us

Technical Support

ITxPT can provide dedicated technical support to any organisation for their implementation of the ITxPT specifications or Transmodel-based standards such as NeTEx or SIRI. 

The technical support ranges from general questions to in-depth support such as review of national profiles.  

Domain Description Pricing

ITxPT specifications

Any enquiry ranging from general questions to review of Proof of Concepts or Integration projects 

Transmodel-based standards 

Any enquiry ranging from general questions to review of national profile 


ITxPT can provide customised training to support understanding of both ITxPT specifications and Transmodel-based standards. It could also be introduction to the standardisation ecosystem related to public transport. 

For pricing, please contact us.