ITxPT PTA/O members
Join the first
20-minute Coffee Club
on 28 August 12.15 CET
We’ll be discussing the ITxPT label!
The Information Technology for Public Transport Association (ITxPT) is finalizing its incorporation as a non-profit Association (aisbl) composed of public transport stakeholders. ITxPT aims at supporting the deployment of standards and practices for onboard plug-and-play of IT-systems for public transport and the relevant back-office features.
The Secretary General (SG) will be responsible for all aspects linked to the finalization of the ITxPT Association under the Belgian Law and to the operation of ITxPT, not only in terms of day-to-day office and association’s activities managements, but also the medium to long-term objectives, including the continued development and growth of the association in line with the workplan. The SG is responsible for securing long-term sustainability through effective governance, sound financial practices and the delivery of membership services. The Secretary General is appointed by the Executive Board.
The Secretary General is specifically in charge of:
The position of SG is half time and permanent with a flexible location.
Applications (CV and Cover Letter) should be addressed to: Umberto Guida, Chairman of the ITxPT Executive Board, ITxPT Association, Rue Sainte Marie 6, B-1080 Brussels, BELGIUM. Email: by Friday 11th December 2015.
Join the first
20-minute Coffee Club
on 28 August 12.15 CET
We’ll be discussing the ITxPT label!
Do you run
the next generation of interoperable architecture?
ITxPT would like to know your opinion about the most interoperable IT architecture
for public transport