ITxPT has spent 3 successful days in Karlsruhe (Germany) during the IT-TRANS International Conference and Exhibition. The biennial event attracted almost 500 conference delegates and 210 exhibitors (up from 162 exhibitors in 2014) from 34 countries as well as 5,000 visitors (up 36%), bringing together leaders of the IT industry and the public transport sector together with new players and providers of digital services.
The exhibited ITxPT test bench was visited by multiple PT stakeholders: PTA and PTO willing to renew their IT architecture and launching tenders in 2016 and IT suppliers willing to know more about the related IT standards. The session ‘Smarter and safer: Intermodal Transport Control Systems’, which also gathered a big audience (more than 70 people), featured the ITxPT Association presented by Emmanuel de Verdalle (DIGIMOBEE, ITxPT Exploitation Manager):
The main objective of the ITxPT Association is to support the deployment of open IT architecture. Specifications and Guidelines for implementation are published and regularly updated by the Association. Working groups are set up to support the adoption of IT standards and share members’ experience.
Another accent from the ITxPT side was an organised Guided Tour visiting stands of UITP, Icomera, Pilotfish, Hogia, ENGIE Ineo and INIT. Starting with Icomera, the Members showcased how ITxPT open architecture is implemented in their products and services:
Icomera is excited to be a new member of ITxPT. By providing open Internet connectivity and application platforms for passenger transport and public safety, our one box virtualisation strategy aims to alleviate many of the challenges transport authorities, operators and manufacturers face when attempting to adopt new technologies. (Marina Haldorsson, Icomera)
Tomas Gabinus presented Pilotfish:
At Pilotfish, we believe that standards play a very important role in the implementation of onboard IT- applications. Thanks to ITxPT Association, we are able to offer services that reduce costs, increase flexibility and ensure smooth device installation onboard.
During the tour, Jonatan Hanson (Hogia) presented how they use ITxPT specifications to develop public transport standards for the backoffice. Olivier Cabut (ENGIE Ineo) showed how ITxPT service-oriented architecture was enabling them to provide enriched AVMS tools. The Guided Tour ended at the INIT stand:
INIT has been engaged in all the relevant projects in Europe in the past which dealt with standardized IP-communication onboard vehicles. Thus our experience and expertise makes us to one of the leading suppliers of onboard IT-technology. We’re ready for plug n’play, said Dirk Weisser (INIT).
More information about IT-TRANS 2016 can be found here.
ITxPT specifications and guidelines are available at the ITxPT Documentation Center, you can request public access here. Further advantages, including access to ITxPT test bench and registration to working groups are offered to ITxPT members only, according to their membership level. Discover all benefits and apply for membership here.
In case of questions, please contact info@itxpt.org
We are looking forward to hearing from you!