The ITxPT Association is please to announce that the circle of its Members has been enlarged by:
– TPG (Transports Publics Genevois), as Strategic Member. TPG has been transporting the Geneva population for 150 years. Facing today major mobility challenges, the TPG have set ambitious missions and objectives to achieve the political choices of the Canton. As public law autonomous entity, the TPG commit every day to propose quality services to the passengers in accordance with the objectives set by the Government.
– TRAPEZE, as Principal member. Ranking among the leaders in the European market for public transport ITS, Trapeze Group just joined ITxPT association as Principal member in April 2016. Trapeze Group creates, delivers and supports software solutions and services for transportation agencies, in their complex, day-to-day business operations. Offering a broad product portfolio, Trapeze Group serves the transportation industry for all their operations, from the bus stop to the finance department, and proposes Intelligent Transportation Systems.
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