The Congress theme is “Delivering Future Cities Now” and is based on Glasgow’s pioneering work on Smart Cities which recently resulted in a £24M award and is based on the City’s and Scotland’s long history of innovation in Intelligent Traffic Control which started in 1967 with Europe’s first computerised traffic control system.
The event consists of an extensive exhibition, with an adjacent area for live demonstrations and a programme of high level and technical sessions providing the opportunity for the industry’s experts and political leaders to discuss current issues both formally at over 100 sessions and more informally during an extensive social programme.
ITxPT will organise a Special Interest Session – Deployment of IT standards in Public Transport: status and trends on Wednesday 8 June 2016, 11.00-12.30. This session will give the opportunity to have around the table key representatives of all stakeholders from public transport: public transport authority, operator, vehicle manufacturer and ITS supplier – 4 companies from 4 different European countries, sharing the same vision on deployment of standard IT. The keynote speakers will present practical examples of actions and success stories, and be in a position to exchange lively with the audience during an interactive debate.
You can read more about the event here. In case of questions, please contact organisers (click here).