On the 13th of June, ITxPT Members met for the 3rd time for a dedicated Workshop in Paris, just one day before Transports Publics exhibition. 40 people attended the meeting focused on the ongoing work of the 7 Working Groups, identified during a previous workshop and kicked off 2 months ago:
- Use cases
- Tenders
- Validation of compliance for vehicles
- Acceptance tests tools
- FMS need collection
- Additional protocols (MQTT and others)
- Additional IP services
Gathering 80 participants to-date representing the Strategic or Principal members of the ITxPT association, the main objective of these working groups is to produce concrete outcomes to be applied in the near future, with a first milestone in 2017. Moreover all relevant results will be reported to CEN and related standardisation bodies in order to feed the standards’ evolution.
The workshop was the occasion for each Working Group leader to present their work in progress, interrogations, and to further discuss and exchange with all ITxPT members. The productive debates led to precision or enlargement of scopes, as well as better awareness of the multiple opportunities offered by the implementation of a cost-effective, safe and sustainable IT architecture.
The documents presented during the workshop are available here (members only).
A final report of this workshop will soon be published.
More information about the ITxPT Working Groups are publically available here.