Appointed by the Executive Board on 20 October, Anders Selling is now officially the Secretary General of ITxPT. He will be responsible for all aspects linked to the management of the ITxPT Association under the Belgian Law* and its operation, including the continued development and growth of the association in line with the workplan. The SG is responsible for securing long-term sustainability through effective governance, sound financial practices and the delivery of membership services.
Anders Selling has a solid industry experience as an employee and management consultant and has worked with companies like, Volvo, Renault, GM, Booz & Co and AD Little. He holds a M. Sc. in Business Administration from the Gothenburg School of Law and Economics.
As the Secretary General he will officially be presented to the ITxPT Members during the next workshop, which will take place on 6 December in Brussels (Belgium). The workshop will also include a presentation from the European Commission representative about the historical background of the association (TBC) and the update from the Working Groups.
*As of 4 May, Information Technology for Public Transport (ITxPT) has been officially incorporated by the Belgian Ministry of Justice as an AISBL (association internationale sans but lucratif, eng. international non-profit association) under Belgian law. You can view the document here.
For more information, contact Anders Selling: anders.selling@itxpt.org.