On 1st March 2018, the London Demonstrator of the EBSF_2 project won the Most Innovative Transport Project Award. The London Transport awards appreciate excellence in transport, innovation and progress for London-based, well-working transport initiatives. The award was presented by Leon Daniels and was collected by Mathew Hudson of Transport for London. The EBSF_2 London Demo was aimed at bringing together different IT suppliers that implement open interfaces compliant with ITxPT, in their public transport applications and Communication Gateway, all striving for easier and cost-effective interoperability of public transport systems.
For the purposes of the EBSF_2 project, operators, traffic managers, bus manufacturers and system vendors have collaborated to formulate a set of specifications for IT systems that are crucial for a well-functioning bus system. The main goal was to establish standards and recommendations which would facilitate cooperation between different suppliers as well as could eventually lead to a standardised IT architecture across the London bus fleet in the future.
Such an implementation opens the way to adoption of ITxPT standards in the UK and across Europe.
If you would like to know more about the ITxPT Initiative, please contact Anders Selling: anders.selling@itxpt.org.