ITxPT PTA/O members
Join the first
20-minute Coffee Club
on 28 August 12.15 CET
We’ll be discussing the ITxPT label!
Skyss is a Norwegian administration company for public transport in Hordaland county, including Bergen, Norway’s second largest city. It was established in 2007 and manages bus, light rail, boat and ferry services. “The public transport sector is changing rapidly, and Skyss has joined ITxPT as a Strategic Member to contribute to innovation and the development of new solutions together with other stakeholders within public transport.”
Sesaly, in turn, designs & assembles light & audible signaling devices for buses, coaches, commercial vehicles & rail transports. “By joining ITxPT, Sesaly is willing to keep abreast of ITxPT protocol which standardizes practices regarding electrical connections of on-board equipment and enables as well to share the same language on the same network, which will ease and accelerate mounting & after sale operations on vehicles using this protocol.”
ITxPT Team is happy to have Skyss and Sesaly on board! If you would like to join the Association as well, or simply find out more about the ITxPT, please contact Anders Selling at:
Join the first
20-minute Coffee Club
on 28 August 12.15 CET
We’ll be discussing the ITxPT label!
Do you run
the next generation of interoperable architecture?
ITxPT would like to know your opinion about the most interoperable IT architecture
for public transport