The ITxPT label is offered as a proof of compliance, to any vehicle, software or equipment that has passed the compliance tests. The ITxPT label can be acquired by any supplier, not necessarily an ITxPT Member, and can easily be requested through ITxPT.

The first module was labeled in 2017 and since then several vehicles and modules have been tested for compliance by the ITxPT and officially received the label. All ITxPT compliant equipment is listed in the Catalogue available on the ITxPT Documentation Centre.

Based on the feedback received from ITxPT Community during last ITxPT Workshop in June, ITxPT has consolidated and updated its labeling process.

A few updates have been made to the process and the documentation.

  1. Label Catalogue: The catalogue lists delivered labels as well as pending labels (with related deadline commitment) and can be found on the ITxPT Documentation Centre.
  2. Application form: A request for a compliance test to receive the ITxPT label must be submitted through the official ITxPT application form.
  3. Declaration of change: to declare a change on a labeled unit, either linked to an ITxPT specification new release or to a new feature offered by the supplier, a specific change request form must be submitted.

Please visit the ITxPT Documentation Centre and the ITxPT Label section to find further information about the labeling process and instructions for how to request the ITxPT label.

Should you not yet have an account to you may simply register for public access on On the ITxPT Wiki/Documentation Centre you can also find the ITxPT Technical Specifications.

Please feel free to contact us for any feedback, questions or request for support.

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