ITxPT has seen a dynamic growth in the recent months, with many new Members joining the Association and existing ones upgrading their status.
adibus – a leading provider of Innovative IT Solutions for Public Transport – has recently joined ITxPT as an Associated Member.
From inception adibus has believed in an open platform and have through the in-house software development created a Comprehensive Bus System easily adapted to new demands. This open philosophy allows adibus to work as System Integrators catering for different requirements. adibus integrates many different types of hardware from a multitude of manufacturers installed in fleets of many different operators of public transport in several countries. By joining ITxPT adibus wishes to further demonstrate the commitment to an open platform for the benefit of the customers.
Even though heavy railways sector is not yet integrated in ITxPT, SNCF decided to upgrade its membership level from associated to principal. SNCF sees the upgrade as a chance to evaluate the potential synergy with Light Railway and discuss the idea to integrate the railways vehicle into ITxPT. As a Principal Member, SNCF will be able to present and pursue its vision of PTA contribution to the ITxPT development.
Furthermore, SNCF is planning to contribute to the working group WG11 “PT Trends to specification strategy” to address the roadmap and also the WG12 “Virtualization” which is a relevant technology topic for the railway industry.