Arcobel Embedded Solutions is a leading distributor and system integrator of industrial computers, network solutions, embedded systems and industrial plug-in cards. Arcobel advises, trains and supports their customers by means of client specific design possibilities, system integration and logistic services. In the market Arcobel is known known for their innovative and flexible approach. In the public transportation sector they have gained a lot of experience in onboard passenger wifi, ticketing systems, passenger information systems, multi media solutions as well as safety critical control systems.
As a solution provider for the public transportation, Arcobel designs systems that are a combination of COTS (Commercial Of The Shelf), modified COTS and in-house designed modules. To gain maximum flexibility, ease of certification and long-term form-fit-function support, standardisation is a key element for Arcobel. For this reason, Arcobel decided to join ITxPT in order to play a more active role in the standardisation process.
InTraffic is currently working on two different projects for GVB in Amsterdam (the local operator) where they actively use and implement ITxPT standards. InTraffic develops the new on-board travel information system and the Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System (AVMS) for buses and trams. “Before ITxPT standards all on-board systems would communicate to traffic management individually. In the new situation, an integration platform is being introduced and only one system is sending information to traffic management”, says Stefan Molenaar, InTraffic. Using these standards enables GVB to adjust to market innovations and trends, while also achieving cost savings. “This solution is innovative and cost-saving, because less equipment is needed on-board,” says Jan Luijben, Information Manager of GVB.
ITxPT improves innovation in public transport. The ITxPT membership allows InTraffic to stay up-to-date on the latest standard developments and enables us to actively contribute through workshops and presentations. InTraffic aims to share the knowledge and expertise they acquire within ITxPT with their customers.