ITxPT welcomes two new Members: Lecip and Kiho joined the Association in the past months.
LECIP is a manufacturer of equipment for buses, trains, automobiles, and industrial equipment engaging in the planning, designing, manufacturing, and sale of these products. It was established in 1953 and is headquartered in Japan, promoting global business with regional bases in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Its largest strengths include development of the Automated Fare Collection System for fixed-route buses services, Transit Management System, Automotive Lighting for trains, and Industrial Equipment.
By joining ITxPT, LECIP’s goal is to provide standardized products and solutions in order to support new markets customer’s global requirements.
Kiho cloud platform gathers and analyses real time information of vehicle location and telemetrics, people and job performance, mobile devices and other assets in real time – transforming the raw data into productivity, safety and sustainability.
Kigo aims to fully integrate machine learning and AI across the whole Kiho product family. Working towards this goal, the world’s first automatic driving log using AI has already been launched.
Kiho telematics and fleet management platform enables also 3rd parties to develop their own transport-related services utilising the Kiho Open Api and data provided by the Kiho platform.
Kiho perceives the interoperable IT architecture as an essential element in facilitating further innovation and efficient purchase and management of equipment and services in public transport. The Kiho Team is dedicated to developing the Kiho platform into fully ITxPT-compliant and sees the ITxPT membership essential in keeping up with the latest standard developments.
If you would like to join ITxPT as well, please contact us.