Sagasystem has officially received the ITxPT label for Tenix VCG, which states that the device is in compliance with the ITxPT technical specifications. The device has been tested and approved in accordance with the ITxPT specifications S01v2.0.1 & S02v2.0.1.

With Tenix VCG, new opportunities are opened up for bus operators and clients to operate all applications and services in a safe and controlled manner. The result is increased efficiency and improved passenger information, which in turn makes public transport more attractive as a means of transportation.

Tenix VCG is a “platform” on board buses, trains and city railways. The device is the interface between mobile devices and back systems and delivers secure internet and mobile communication. Tenix VCG connects to other systems on board via IP LAN with Ethernet connections (“Switch”) and other I / O connections, as well as a number of other possibilities.

The device is managed via Tenix Cloud Admin, which is a user-friendly and web-based tool. The backend system allows monitoring of each component mounted on board, remote software updating and configurations.

All ITxPT compatible equipment is available at the ITxPT Documentation Center. You can see here the list of delivered & pending ITxPT labels.

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