On June 11th, the ITxPT Executive Board elected Terje Storhaug from Ruter AS as Chairman and Umberto Guida from UITP as Vice-Chairman.

As the CIO of Ruter, the innovative PTA of the Oslo-area, Terje Storhaug plays a key role in the implementation of ITxPT. Ruter issued its first tender requiring ITxPT compliance in 2018. This summer, ITxPT-equipped vehicles are going live in Oslo. Terje Storhaug’s leadership skills, previous experience with the DVB association and his commitment towards ITxPT made the Executive Board unanimously elect him to lead the Association through its next phases.

“The needs of mobility providers and travelers shall drive the development of ITxPT. The Association’s fast-growing collaborative community is a great enabler for the digitalization of Public Transport. Within ITxPT, we drive the development together and not from individual corporate agendas, this is what makes us so strong”, says Terje Storhaug.

Umberto Guida is the Senior Director of UITP Knowledge and Innovation Department. From research projects to the worldwide Association we know today, counting 130 Members from 27 countries, Umberto Guida played an important role in developing ITxPT. He was also the Chairman of the Association until the June election. UITP benefits from an outstanding network, provides great knowledge on Public Transport and mobility, and has very close interactions with the European Commission. These features made UITP a great contributor to ITxPT and one of its founding Members.

“ITxPT offers great value for customers and suppliers as it is opening up the traditional value chain. Through standards supporting interoperability between IT systems and services, ITxPT offers customers the flexibility to integrate systems from any compliant vendors and opens the market to many new suppliers. This supports innovation as well as cost efficiency in mobility”, says Umberto Guida.

The Executive Board is the governance body of the ITxPT Association and consists of 13 Directors from Public Transport Authorities, Public Transport Operators, Vehicle Manufacturers and IT Suppliers. Directors are elected for two years by the ITxPT Members at the General Assembly. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected for two years by the Executive Board. The Association is non-profit and open to any stakeholders in public transport.


For more information visit www.itxpt.org or contact:

Anders Selling, Secretary General – anders.selling@itxpt.org

Pénélope Restivo, Communication and Management Assistant – penelope.restivo@itxpt.org

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