The 25th of June online Members Meeting concluded a highly intense and productive period for the ITxPT Collaborative Community, since the Rome Members Meeting in November. The June meeting was an opportunity to learn about the implementation of the Requirements Committee, the new governance process, the Heavy Rail working group, the European project Data4PT, RIVSILOn project and exciting news regarding the ITxPT labs.

The highly effective meeting, chaired by Secretary-General Anders Selling and Chairman of the Board Terje Storhaug, was dense with information, going through the last six months and presenting plans and projections for the nearest future during the two hours.
With customer needs in mind, the ITxPT governance process has gone through major changes with the initiation of the Requirements Committee and the refinement of the Technical Committee role as the most prominent examples. Jemima Woolverton – Chair of the Requirements Committee – walked the members through the successful initiation of the Requirements Committee and their impressive achievements. The developed role of the Technical Committee was presented, and the meeting also got a brief walk-through of the Heavy Rail Working group progress.

The RIVSILOn project, finalized by the end of June, shared valuable insights. The project – a collaboration between West Sweden PTA Västtrafik, Volvo and a number of distinguished IT companies – has for two years had the objective to evaluate, develop and demonstrate new functionality regarding Plug’n’Play, digitalization, new business models, cloud services and cybersecurity. It has moved ITxPT forward in terms of Plug and Play functionality, in-vehicle and in-production experiments and most of all by initiating a local ITxPT lab in Gothenburg.
Data4PT – an initiative from the European Commission with the purpose of managing the support of National Access Points throughout Europe – is another project moving forward. With 9 Member States, ITxPT as the implementation body and UITP as the coordinator, the project will support travel information sharing, to facilitate collaboration between public authorities and travel information service providers. Visit for more info.

The Paris lab has also progressed in implementing a soon-to-be-launched new testing tool for ITxPT labeling and a test management system. The new system with a cloud functionality part of the lab will ensure that the testing procedures and results are the same regardless of which local lab is used, which paves the way for additional local labs in the future.
The ITxPT Activity Report for 2019, available here was also presented at the meeting.
ITxPT would like to express gratitude to everyone involved in the association’s Collaborative Community for making the last six months a highly productive period and wish you all a nice summer with the prediction that the next six months will continue in the same spirit.