Requirements Committee #15 – Local Ambassadors

The 30th of September Requirements Committee meeting discussed how to engage more members in the committees and working groups. ITxPT will reach out personally and through communication channels to explain the work in the groups and committees. The meeting also decided to enhance a direct dialogue with stakeholders in each country through finding and encouraging ITxPT ambassadors who can host local events and workshops. Anders Fromell from ITxPT proposed an updated definition of objectives for Requirements Working Group 03, which the meeting accepted. The group will, therefore, focus on login services.


Active members are vital

The ITxPT collaborative community thrives when members participate in the committees and working groups, contribute their different views reflecting the industry’s needs, and get the work done.


Explain committees and working groups

ITxPT will enhance its communication regarding the benefits of influencing future standards and practices and explain how committees and working groups operate. This way, it becomes easier for members to see how to contribute and realize that it is not too heavy to engage in active work.


Local Ambassadors

The Requirements Committee decided to reach out to National Associations and other organizations in close contact with local stakeholders. The idea is to find and encourage ambassadors who, with the aid of the ITxPT team, can further engage the industry in their respective countries and local languages, through workshops, seminars, and other events. If you would like to host a regional meeting, please contact ITxPT.




Working Group 01 

Working Group 01, led by Laurent Llerena, has put the Working group on hold after forwarding their Technical Requirements to the Technical Committee. The group will restart at the beginning of 2021 in connection with the Connecta3 and Shift2Rail projects.


Working Group 02 

Working Group 02, led by Henning Berthelsen, have identified use cases and categorized them into two main categories:

  • Electric Vehicle data
  • Charging station data

They will now expand the working group to include vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure providers to consider their aspects.

Working Group 03 streamlined 

The meeting discussed the scope of Working Group 03 and decided that it should focus on login services. ITxPT will send out a call for contribution to attract additional participants. If you are interested in this and want more information, please contact ITxPT.

ITxPT member  

Do you want to become an ITxPT member? Apply here.