After a busy October, the new ITxPT specification patch version 2.1.1 and some of the Technical Requirements from the Data Centric Working group (TWG01) are ready for review. The documents will be reviewed by the Technical Committee and finalized on 2nd December. The work on the MQTT protocol by Subgroup3 will require some more time and the group will deliver its Technical Requirements for the first review on 2nd December to be finished by the end of the year.


Specification 2.1.1

On 4th November, the Technical Committee got a presentation of the ITxPT specification version 2.1.1. The committee will review the document, have an intermediate discussion on 18th November, and deliver the final review on 2nd December.

The plan from the beginning of the process was that this patch update should address comments received on the 2.1.0 specification based on labeling experience and technical requests. It was possible to address most comments within the scope and doing so without impacting implementation (except where something was obviously broken or missing). During the 2.1.1 update process, the ITxPT team identified that several comments regarding FMStoIP could not fit the scope of the 2.1.1 update. A newly launched Technical Working Group will address this, to include updates in the next minor or major release.

The 2.1.1 specification does not include any new or updated functionality. The committee will soon present a roadmap for the next Minor release to 2.2 or Major release to 3.0


Technical Working Group 01 – Data Centric


Three subgroups

The Working Group consists of three subgroups, which create Technical Requirement documents that will set the rules for all future ITxPT Technical Specification work and content. Subgroups 1 and 2 delivered the first draft of their Technical Requirements on 4th November. The Technical Committee will review the requirements by 2nd December, after an intermediate discussion on 18th November to address comments and suggestions. Subgroup three requires another month to finish its work.

Subgroup1 – General design rules

The group presented the document Technical Requirements 001 (TR001) that sets general design rules for the ITxPT Technical Specification. It covers topics such as categories of Technical Requirements documents; Document format, templates, storage, etc.; Version handling; Date and Time format and Generic Rules for API design.

Subgroup2 – Data Centric

The group presented the TR002 document that covers the concept of Data Centric. What Data Centric is, what it is not, and what advantages it brings. It also covers a Data Dictionary based on the Transmodel standard that will define our common terminology for describing data.

For the Data Dictionary, Subgroup2 has identified some work needed to support the Data Dictionary usage that falls outside the scope of Technical Requirements 002.

Subgroup3 – MQTT

Subgroup3 produces the Technical Requirements for how to use the MQTT protocol. The group requires another month to finish its work since the document TR003 is very comprehensive. The group needs further discussions and a structural rework to complete. The new deadline to deliver the final draft is 2nd December.

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