The ITxPT Requirements Committee is an important part of the disruptive transformation from proprietary silo solutions to an open platform and plug-and-play functionality within mobility. The committee meetings are essential to the ITxPT specification updates and a foundation for channeling the customer needs into specifications, best practices, and standards.

Requirements Committee meeting # 27, April 21st
After a walkthrough of the working group activities, Chairman Guido di Pasquale introduced the main topic of the day: On-demand Transport.
The meeting discussed the challenges for on-demand transport and the potential role of ITxPT in the ecosystem.
Ruter (PTA)
Martin Gulseth and Tord-Arve Holmedal from the Oslo PTA Ruter talked about their mission to provide sustainable freedom of movement for all. They talked about challenges in how to combine on-demand with scheduled traffic, how they use mobility on demand today and how they plan to use it in the future, giving an overview of a high-level architecture. In their view on–demand transport should:
- Provide available and flexible mobility
- Contribute to a more detailed and elaborated mobility network
- Be integrated with, and a complement to, the ordinary public transport system
Luc Texier and Frederic Gaiddon from Bestmile talked about how they use cloud software to send the right mission to the right vehicle at the right time and what the current gaps in standardization are when it comes to allowing interoperability in demand-responsive transportation (DRT). They also talked about other aspects of transport on demand.
- Autonomous vehicles
- Ride-hailing
- Transportation of goods
In their view, it is also a challenge to adapt ITxPT specifications to enable DRT implementation in several aspects like passenger information systems, AVMS, and driver login.
They also expressed their concern about DRT data format in NAPs as existing standards like SIRI and NeTEx are tailored to schedule-based information rather than on-demand traffic.
They explained the security reasons behind why they choose APIs instead of back-office with their solutions.

Requirements Committee meeting #28, May 5th
At the meeting, we got an update from the working groups for:
- Electric vehicles and charging infrastructure
- Login services
- Passenger information
We also discussed transport on demand, and what role ITxPT can play in the ecosystem based on the conclusions and the feedback received from Ruter and Bestmile during the previous Requirements Committee meeting. This valuable first discussion on this topic initiated the work on the On-demand Transport pre-study, which is one of the strategic activities of the ITxPT 2021 roadmap. The pre-study kick-off meeting will be held on the 27th of May, at 14:00. Contact ITxPT for information on how to participate.

Rivsilon experiences – A concrete ITxPT implementation example
Representatives from Västtrafik (PTA), RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden), and Luminator Technology Group (LTG) shared their experiences from the Rivsilon project that ended in 2020. Details on the implementation, the performed tests, and the overall outcomes were presented. The positive impact of the project led to the follow-up project, Rivsilon II.
If you want to contribute to Requirements Committee activities with your expertise, and together with the other members of the committee, lead the evolution of specifications and directly address your needs and expectations, please consider becoming a strategic or principal member of ITxPT and take part in the work.
You can find the case study from the Rivsilon project here.