ITxPT releases complementary 2.1.1 material!

Following the release of the 2.1.1 specifications earlier this year, ITxPT has now released complementary material to the 2.1.1 specifications.


XML and JSON schemas 

The schemas for both XML and JSON are now updated to 2.1.1 status.  

Known Issues 

New for 2.1.1; Known Issues have been documented, and the document contains known issues in the 2.1.1 specification. It also contains recommendations on how to minimize the related problems.  

Client Development Guide 

For the S02 section of the ITxPT specification (on-board services), a document containing Best Practices for development of on-boarclients has been added.  


Please report conflicts

The schemas and documents mentioned above, are complementary to the specificationIf there is a conflict with the specification, the specification takes precedentIf any conflicts are found, please report them! 

ITxPT GitHub

The schemas, the Known Issues, and the Client Development Guidelines are all found on the ITxPT GitHub in the repository for each specification section: S01, S02, and S03. The 2.1.1 material is found in the 2.1.1 branch!

Public repositories

These repositories are public and can be accessed by everyone.

As a reminder, the ITxPT specifications are available on the ITxPT Documentation Center (link: It requires a free registration.