After pausing the meetings over the summer, the Requirements Committee and the Technical Committee have both just resumed their activities. Both sessions were well attended and long-awaited. The Requirements Committee and the Technical Committee are now entering a period of close collaboration during the handover of the Login Service and Passenger Information working groups. The Requirements Committee has suggested formalizing the joint meetings at every topic handover and when the Technical Committee is about to finalize the technical specifications.

6th of October Requirements Committee meeting
At a well-attended meeting, the Requirements Committee planned for joint meetings with the Technical Committee regarding Login Services and Passenger Information handover. The meeting also decided to approve the Functional Requirements and use cases from the two working groups to be handed over to the Technical Committee. The committee also agreed that adding technical use cases and filling the priorities and limitations is better suited for the joint meetings with the technical committee working group. During the fall, the Requirements Committee will meet every four weeks.

13th of October Technical Committee meeting
With many new attendees at the meeting, Chairman Emmanuel de Verdalle gave a short walkthrough of the specification update process and the roles of the Requirements and Technical Committees. Anastasia Founta then informed about the missions of the two committees:
In short, the Requirements Committee’s mission is to capture customer needs, drive specification updates, build collaboration between organizations, and finally define the roadmap of ITxPT.
The Technical Committee’s mission is to analyze the outcome of the Requirements Committee, start a working group, which delivers suggested technical solutions. Then the Technical Committee aligns the proposal with the Requirements Committee before finalizing the technical specification.
Technical Working Group outcomes
Passenger Counting
Simon Reed (TfL), leader of the Technical Working Group 03 Passenger Counting, reported that the group needs to expand the scope to include passenger tracking, which requires additional sources to finish the work. Therefore, he called for working group contributors. He also reported that the group will need more time to align with the Data Dictionary and that the final working group will finalize its deliverables in December.
Data Dictionary
David Glendining, Technical Working Group 04 leader, informed about the Data Dictionary, a central part of the Data Centric approach. He also reported that the working group has transformed into a running subcommittee since the Data Dictionary will need constant maintenance and updating. He called for more contributors and asked for more people to join the group and participate in its lively discussions. The group has weekly meetings with some homework between sessions. Right now, the group is finalizing the final draft of JSON formatting conventions.
Electric Vehicle and Infrastructure
Emmanuel de Verdalle as leader of Technical Working Group 05, Electric Vehicle and infrastructure, informed about the status and work plan and that they continue the work on the functional architecture defined by the Requirements Committee, with interfaces on vehicles, back office, charging infrastructure, etc. He also informed about the collaboration with VDV, the German standardization organization, and the ongoing dialogue with UITP, intending to deliver a white paper via VEI in November.
Upcoming meetings
Passenger Information: 20th of October at 10.00
Login Services: 20th of October at 11.00
Next Technical Committee meeting: 27th of October
Next Requirements Committee meeting: 3rd of November
Members Meeting: 9th of December at 14.00