Passenger Information and Login Services move forward

On the 20th of October, the ITxPT Requirements Committee and Technical Committee held two joint meetings to start the hand over process of Functional Requirements for Passenger Information and Login Services. The meetings were both well-attended and set both collaborations off to a good start.


Objectives of the joint meetings

The joint meetings are a way to be able to adjust and adapt the Functional Requirements for better understanding for the Technical Committee to be able to take over and meet the requirements. It is also a way to convey as much information as possible, that might not be possible to include in the written documents. There are three main objectives:

  • Set priorities and limitations
  • Clarify requirements
  • Prepare for gap analysis

Passenger Information

The working group has set as the goal for the standardization work to enable the provision of all necessary information for passengers to optimize their door-to-door journey. Always with the passenger as the primary stakeholder. It is also important to guarantee the information quality for passengers to be able to trust its reliability. In that there are some quality aspects to consider:

  • Accuracy
  • Timeliness
  • Completeness
  • Consistency

Login Services

The goal for the Login Services is to enable APIs:s for systems to publish and subscribe to different types of login information like:

  • Onboard
  • Onboard to Backoffice
  • Backoffice to Backoffice


This will reduce costs related to login information and add value to other sub-systems that consume the information. It will also enable PTA and PTO to optimize their daily operations and ensure safe and energy-efficient public transport.


Don’t miss the next meeting

The meetings spurred fruitful discussions and there were already many interesting questions risen when the requirements met the technical side, which proves the value of these meetings. For Strategic or Principal members who missed the meetings, you have the opportunity again on the following dates:

Passenger Information: 28th of October 10.00
Login Services: 28th of October at 11.00