Free DATA4PT webinar: NeTEx and SIRI data standards for new modes

24 November 2022 09.30-10.30 CET

The webinar will present the EU CEN technical standards NeTEx and SIRI recent extension, enabling the exchange of static and real time data related to mobility modes such as vehicle (bike, car, shuttle etc.) sharing, vehicle pooling and rental. These modes are of interest either as an alternative to the conventional public transport (such as bus, coach, rail) or intervening in an inter-modal trip (e.g. first/last mile of trips made using either conventional public transport or personal transport ). 

Those standardised interfaces aim to facilitate the communication of the data between operators, between systems of the same operator, between operators and journey planners and other passenger information systems. Therefore, new (alternative) modes in NeTEx are fully integrated with other modes and with each other: bike sharing at train or bus stops, car-pooling area in parking or at station, combined fare offers, etc. 

The training will focus on aspects such as the overall framework of this work, the functional scope and covered use cases, the technical documentation, the available examples, providing also implementation recommendations. 

You can register for this event here.

The meeting recording and material will be shared publicly in the DATA4PT homepage:

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