Kapsch has recently joined ITxPT as a Principal Member. Kapsch PublicTransportCom, a Kapsch Group company, is an international producer and supplier of intelligent infrastructure solutions for public transport operators and transportation agencies. The company’s portfolio comprises solutions and relevant services for Intermodal Transport Control Systems, short ITCS, Automatic Fare Collection, short AFC, electronic and mobile ticketing systems as well as Real-Time Passenger Information, short RTPI. The ever-quickening pace of urbanization calls for fully integrated, multi-modal solutions, thus Kapsch PublicTransportCom is working on the next steps towards true integrated mobility.
“As a Member of the Kapsch group we understand that today’s transportation management requires full integration of traffic and mobility services, which has been considered separately and in a unique way. Travelers need real-time information about transport options and multimodal route alternatives, including booking and payment services. Authorities and mobility operators need to manage traffic in real-time, based on current events and provide fast assistance in case of emergencies.”
“The ITxPT Initiative, driving the implementation of standards in public transport, is for us an important step towards integrated mobility services and Kapsch PublicTransportCom does welcome the opportunity to work with the ITxPT community of now already more than 70 members including PTAs, PTOs, suppliers and bus manufacturers towards the future of public transport solutions as an integral part of Integrated Mobility Solutions for convenient travelling.”
If you wish to become a member, please get in touch with Anders Selling, ITxPT Secretary General: anders.selling@itxpt.org.