Since last week, the 2.1 updates specifications have been published and are available. You can retrieve them on the ITxPT Documentation Centre that is open to public upon free registration.
The release 2.1 updates the 2.0 technical specifications with clarification collected during implementation, labeling process, user return on experience and from Technical Committee (details in Release history).
The release 2.1 was approved on the 23rd of October after an internal process of validation involving Strategic and Principal ITxPT Members.
ITxPT Specifications are used by PTAs and PTOs as tender requirements with related references, and industry suppliers to design and develop ITxPT-compliant solutions. Moreover, the ITxPT Technical Specifications describe physical requirements (connectors, wiring, enclosures, power supply and management), overall architecture, generic mechanisms, communication protocols and data models needed to comply with the open ITxPT architecture.