The Requirements Committee meeting on the 2nd of September was a bit special since it was the last one chaired by Jemima Woolverton, who is leaving ITxPT on the 9th of September. Therefore, it was suitable to have a retrospective touch to the meeting, with a glance at previous work in the field of electric vehicles, especially so with the Electric Vehicle Working Group just launching.


Consolidating Committees

The 18 meeting attendees were informed about the 9th of September election of Chairs for the Technical Committee and the Requirements Committee. During a trial period since the end of 2019, Emmanuel de Verdalle and Jemima Woolverton have held the chair positions. Now it is time to consolidate the work structure with the two committees and to elect Chairs for two years. In line with ITxPT’s open and flexible process, anyone is welcome to share their ideas on how to improve the process. Please contact ITxPT with your thoughts.


A look back

To get everyone up to speed before the launch of Requirements Working Group #02 – Electric Vehicles – Emmanuel de Verdalle, chair of the Technical Committee, gave a walk-through of previous work done in the field of electric vehicles.


New Working Groups

ITxPT also called for Working Group leaders as well as contributors. The next Working Group to launch will be RWG#03 – Driver interface and log in.

The group will essentially look at all aspects of the login situation, for example, single sign-in, information sharing, Vehicle ID according to vehicle type, and vehicle information for being able to drive a specific route, like height, length, and fuel type, as well as driver login confirmation.

A vast field of topics

Today there isn’t a consolidated way of getting the login information to the back-end and the stakeholders, like the operators, the Public Transport Authorities (PTA), and the police, for instance. The group will address this and many other topics.

There were also some new topics raised at the meeting, like the possibility for the driver to update the start time if the trip starts late.


Au revoir, Jemima

Finally, the ITxPT team wants to take the opportunity to thank Jemima for her excellent work within ITxPT and especially for being a vital contributor to the initiation of the Requirements Committee. Thank you, Jemima, you will be missed.

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