Technical Committee meeting – a roadmap to evolution
The 9th of September Technical Committee meeting revolved around the ITxPT roadmap towards a new specification release, the upcoming election of chairpersons, and...
The 9th of September Technical Committee meeting revolved around the ITxPT roadmap towards a new specification release, the upcoming election of chairpersons, and...
The Requirements Committee meeting on the 2nd of September was a bit special since it was the last one...
The very productive and well attended Technical Committee meeting on the 26th of August revolved around Working Group 1 - Data-centric - and its...
On the 9th of September, the positions of ITxPT Requirements Committee and Technical Committee Chairs are up for election....
ITxPT is the Tech Partner of DATA4PT EU project and supports the implementation of National Access Point (NAP) through...
ITxPT Requirements Committee and Technical Committee will enter the 2020 summer break!
About the integration of autonomous vehicles within public transport
The 25th of June online Members Meeting concluded a highly intense and productive period for the ITxPT Collaborative Community, since the Rome Members Meeting in November.
The 2019 ITxPT Activity Report is available.
The EU project Data4PT will support the implementation of data exchange standards and models to fulfil service providers needs...