ITxPT and STA sign MoU to develop and promote interoperability between ticketing systems.
NAPCORE Mobility Data Days
As one of the main partners of NAPCORE, ITxPT was represented and led several sessions at the 2nd edition of the NAPCORE Mobility Data Days - hosted in Budapest between November 7 and 9, 2023.
ITxPT Members Meeting 28 September 2023 at 2.00 PM CEST
ITxPT Members Meeting 28 September 2023 at 2.00 PM CEST
MoU: ITxPT – MaaS Alliance
ITxPT and MaaS Alliance proudly announce the signature of a MoU to develop and promote interoperability between systems to facilitate the creation of an Open Mobility Ecosystem, especially to foster the development of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS).
VDV and ITxPT Collaborate to Support Interoperability in Mobility
Welcome new members
Welcome to LTA Singapore, NTA Ireland, Trimet Oregon PTA/PTO ; BYD, CAF, YES-EU vehicles manufacturers ; CISCO, PARKWAY AUTONOMOUS, TONGA ELECTRIC IT suppliers. These new members are from 7 different countries around the world: China, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, the United State of America.
MoU: ITxPT – MobilityData
ITxPT and MobilityData sign MoU to accelerate standardization and interoperability for all
Dates to remember for June events
June is an eventful month for ITxPT members!
ITxPT General Assembly and Members Meeting 22 June 2023 at 2.00 PM CEST
We want to welcome all ITxPT members to the online ITxPT General Assembly and Members Meeting on Thursday 22nd of June at 14.00.