ITxPT PTA/O members
Join the first
20-minute Coffee Club
on 28 August 12.15 CET
We’ll be discussing the ITxPT label!
The ITxPT specifications are publicly available from the ITxPT Documentation Centre and can be freely used by anyone. The access to the Documentation Center is free but individual sign up is required. The ITxPT members have access to additional information.
The ITxPT specifications provide public transport authorities and operators with recommendations and requirements to support the purchase and integration of interoperable IT architecture. What is more, industry suppliers use the specifications to design ITxPT-compliant equipment and services.
ITxPT architecture is based on standards and best practices from in-operation implementations and projects, such as the European Bus System of the Future (EBSF_2).
ITxPT should be understood as an agreement between many public transport stakeholders to enable digitalization and integration of mobility services.
The ITxPT specifications do not limit the design of IT. They provide a framework for how to design hardware and software so that modules can be integrated in a coherent architecture. This simplifies IT suppliers’ access to the market and gives purchasers the flexibility to select services and components from many different providers.
Hardware level:
installation rules, space requirements, connectors, etc.
Communication protocol level:
interfaces, declaration of service, etc.
Service level:
list of services, format of the service, format of data etc.
Compliance with standards and standardized interfaces is necessary for service providers to share data.
This is increasingly important in the rapidly developing transportation industry.
ITxPT benefits from standards and open-source protocols such as:
The scope of ITxPT is continuously developed by the association and at present the following services are included:
To access the ITxPT specifications, you must sign up for the ITxPT Documentation Center. Access is free.
Information Technology for Public Transport a.i.s.b.l.
Rue Sainte-Marie 6
B-1080 Brussels, Belgium
ITxPT® is a registered trademark, non-profit association
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Join the first
20-minute Coffee Club
on 28 August 12.15 CET
We’ll be discussing the ITxPT label!