The Technical Committee and the Technical Working Groups have been productive, and the Board has recently approved an update of the General Design Rules technical requirements, the new MQTT technical requirements, and a Preview Release of the S02P04 FMStoIP 2.2.0.

What is an ITxPT TR document?
As a reminder, an ITxPT TR is a Technical Requirement document. It is not a Technical Specification but contains rules for writing Technical Specifications. When writing a Technical Specification, the Technical Work Groups will follow the TR documents.
TR-001 General Design Rules
Version 1.0 of the General Design Rules was approved earlier this year. In version 1.1 two new sections have been added.
The section Static Configuration discusses when, why, and how a specification may require a module/service to have configuration parameters that are outside of the service definition/API itself.
The new section about Public Drafts and Preview Releases describes two new specification states. Since these are of interest to all members, a separate news item on this will be published shortly!
The Data Centric subgroup for MQTT has now produced TR-003 MQTT which sets general rules for the usage of MQTT in future MQTT-based ITxPT standards.

Preview Release of FMStoIP 2.2.0
During the last six months, the FMStoIP subgroup has completed a large revision of the FMStoIP specification, focusing on interoperability and usability. The updated specification is expected to be compatible with most 2.1.0/2.1.1 clients but contains a large number of clarifications and additions.
The release is a Preview Release, which means it may change before the final 2.2.0 release, but only if changes are needed to resolve identified problems. Read about Preview Releases in TR-001 General Design Rules.
XSDs (XML Schema Definitions) and an FMStoIP specific implementation guide will be added soon!
Read more about Preview releases and public drafts here.