Nobina is the first operator to join as a strategic partner in the European ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport) Association to support the development and implementation of the future’s standardised IT solutions for public transport.
The European Association that was initiated by the UITP (International Association for Public Transport) is a cooperation between bus manufacturers, PTAs, operators and IT companies. The objective is to introduce commonly accepted standards for a cost efficient and safe development of digital systems for public transport.
“It’s a positive sign that Nobina’s expertise is being welcomed in the development and implementation of new international standards. This is a stamp of quality and entrenches our leading position as the party taking the initiative for advancing the industry,” says Nobina’s President and CEO, Ragnar Norbäck.
Nobina perceives significant advantages for passengers as well as PTAs and operators with a common European standard for IT solutions.
“Standardised solutions lead to improved and more efficient traffic planning. They also make the actual journey simpler and more time efficient. Standardisation results also in an improved quality of IT solutions and lower costs for purchasing as well as for operations and maintenance,” says Ragnar Norbäck.
With harmonisation of information systems via open IT architecture, it will become easier to create and further develop services. Commonly referred to as ‘plug and play’ integration of new applications and IT units facilitates on-board installation and maintenance. Operating costs are reduced by integrating multi-modular information systems, thereby facilitating improved planning of urban and regional transportation and optimising connections between all types of transport and parties involved. Additionally, they facilitate accident management by taking effective measures.
ITxPT is based on EBSF specifications and 3iBS guidelines defining an open IT architecture and supporting the standardisation group working on ITS for Public Transport. Nobina was early out of the blocks in implementing intelligent transport systems, and 80% of Nobina’s buses are already equipped in accordance with the EBSF specifications. Thanks to ITxPT, Nobina will be in the position to validate the compliance with the IT standard EN13149. Based on this, the remaining buses will be fitted out in accordance with the standard by mid-2017.
According to a recent research report published by the analysis firm Berg Insight, in 2014 the market for intelligent transport systems (ITS) in public transport in Europe exceeded EUR 1 billion, with a compounded annual rate of growth of 7.2%.
Nobina is the largest and most experienced public bus transport service provider in the Nordic region. The Company’s expertise in prospecting, tendering and active management of public bus transport contracts in combination with long-term delivery quality makes Nobina an industry leader in terms of profitability, development and initiatives that promote a healthier industry. Every day, Nobina ensures that more than one million people arrive at work, school or other activities by delivering contracted public bus transport services in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. In addition, Nobina offers express bus services under the Swebus brand in the Swedish market. The Company has approximately 7,600 full-time equivalent employees and is headquartered in Stockholm. For more information, visit: www.nobina.com.